Hot sales of 7.2T Wheel Excavators

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2023-06-15 Hot sales of 7.2T Wheel Excavators

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Super price on a popular NEW HWL80 Wheel Excavators
For a month there is a 15% discount on this model
Machine weight: 7.2T
Bucket Capacity: 0.28cbm
Rated Power: 48Kw

Main features:
1. Wide range of optional attachments
2. Enhance your productivity with increased speed and higher torque.
3. The HWL80 enables extended work periods while being cost-effective.
4. Its compact front and rear swing radius make it ideal for operating in limited spaces.

Quote now for the best price.

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Hot sales of 7.2T Wheel Excavators

Hot sales of 7.2T Wheel Excavators

Hot sales of 7.2T Wheel Excavators

Hot sales of 7.2T Wheel Excavators

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